just a quick update.
I won't be there often these weeks, because the winter session will start next week until the 5th of February. Therefore it will be a busy month for me, but not here on the blog, unfortunately.
However, I have some nice things to look forward to.
From the 8th to the 15th of March I will be in London.
Like last year, when we went ot Berlin, we are going (with we, I mean two of my best friends and I) on a one week trip to London to talk a bit of English, because we don't get many opportunities of actually speaking English here.

When I'll come back Roberto and I will go to Gubbio for two days. Just a lovely, romantic weekend to celebrate Roberto's birthday.
I hope there will be many other lovely plans coming, I love traveling and having fun, who doesn't!
enjoy your trips, it sounds great!