I am feeling good about it, I like writing a short recap of the photo I took and of the day.
Even if sometimes I almost forget of taking a picture or think it's a horrible photo I took (it's the only one of the day) and am wuite ashamed of posting it (like the one under, terrible light).
But it's a way of remembering what I've done during the year, not a photography competition, right?
So, let's see the pics of this week:
Run away from parents' houses and have a cheap dinner on our own? Quite impossible, but we did it. We bought a prepacked salad, some bread, a martini to spoil ourselves and had dinner in the car! haha, it was much fun and we had the chance to talk a bit without having always people around judging and saying what we should do.
On New Year Eve Roberto wore a tie , wow! Haha, apart form this we had more fun than we'd have thought. We wanted just to go out for dinner, to see firework and walk around the city with no destination for a few hours and then go back home. We basically did that, but we missed midnight and instead of being in the first row for the firework, we were in the middle of the crowd. Than Roberto met someone very important to him, he was so happy. And then we danced for some hours.
It was funny because usually I have dancing and hate when people stare at me (or I think people is staring), but I felt that I had the right to celebrate this new year, because maybe it'll bring me nice surprises =)
24/365 01012011
Happy New Year!
This is just a little something I am painting for my blog. It's a foggy day and today I just read, listened to music, read blogs, and not much more. A typical 1st January.
25/365 02012011
Roberto and I went for a walk and while walking to the car we met this cutie. He was in the middle of an enormous (for him) parking and I think he was trying to see something except from asphalt.
26/365 03012011
We just stayed home reading, then went to buy some tofu for the veggie-eater here. Last days at home with my father's Christmas decorations. In Italy it's a tradition to leave the decorations until the 6th of January.
27/365 04012011
Cereal yogurt with walnuts. So yummy, especially if eaten with my favorite spoon. =)
28/365 05012011
Roberto woke up with a terrible cold. He didn't feel well at all, so I made coffee, brought him cookies, mandarines, apples.. We stayed home and at the evening I watched Inception with my family.
This was last week.
We're having such a bad weather now, it's pouring! I can hardly get any sleep since a few days, therefore I'm not feeling 100%.
The Christmas decoration are being put apart until next year and exams are approaching inexorably.
Have a nice weekend!
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