But. I have an excuse. I have looots of excuses!
First of all I went to Berlin with my Uni friends. I had a wonderful time, I laughed a lot, we saw everuthing which was possible to see with -10°C.

While I was there, my nephew was born!!!
His name is Mattia, he's so cute! I only saw him twice, but I love him =)

Isn't he lovely?
The second semester has just begun. I have between 8 and 10 hours per day. Incredible, I am so tired when I come home. And I have to change room (from one part to the other of the city) a lot of time, but that gives me the chance to walk a lot =).
Here in Turin is a wonderful park, last year my friends and I used to go eat there in the break. Today was the perfect day to do this again. But.. No time, no break, no eating together.
After my classes I go to the gym every single day (from monday to thursday) and on friday I go back to Liguria, where my bf and my parents live.
My boyfriend, Roberto, has just found a house. He is so lovely, he is happy and I am proud of him. His house has a lot of orange details and is Africa-themed. I like it a lot. I am so looking forward to go and stay with him.
This saturday, however, I will only stay one evening there (4hours in the train to go there) and then we will come back to Turin.. because..
Cirque du Soleil is coming!! Yeeey!!

nou lief,het was moeilijk omuit te zoeken waarik u een ^commento^kon schrijven.
RispondiEliminaHet ziet er fantastisch uit allemaal,je bent zo goed bezig en ik hoop zo dat het werk in het hotel doorgaat en ook dat Jobby ander werk krijgt,ga ervoor,hij ook want als ij nog 5 jar in die bloemen werkt loopt hij achtermet electriciteit.dus hij moet echt doorzoeken en mailen,allerlei bedrijven.He wat zien die foto^s er lekker uit.dag dag ik ben overmorgen naar Holland,kus en tvb mams