my god, it's so long ago that I've written the last time..
I have done so many things, and I have so much to do..
My boyfriend has moved, and now lives on his own. I'm so proud of all the things he does! And I'm happy everytime I see his enthusiasm. He now lives in this little town:
Between one class and the other I like to spend some time with my friends. We often go and eat something wherever we want. We went to the japanese restaurant and I actually liked it a lot!
Then, I made pear and cinnamon jam.. mmh! I am craving it right now..
Roberto prepared a lot of yummy breakfasts for me, with toasts, fruit, yogurt, etc.. ^^
My family,some friends and I went to see "Le cirque du Soleil", fantastic, wonderful, unique..
Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take photographs. But I can assure you that it has been fantastic, they are the most talented artists I've ever seen. Really.
My roomate and I made "parfaits" for our diet. They are made of looots of fruit, yogurt and granola.. and it's simply perfect.
And.. this weekend Roberto came here in Turin, and it has been the funniest weekend we spent here together. We had a coffee in the bar in via Po, we went to the park, we went to the Egyptian museum and had a lot of fun. Yesterday evening we went to the Chinese restaurant and to the English pub, we laughed a lot, but most of all walked a lot!
Today I brought Roberto to the station. I was sad because I miss him a lot, he's the person who always supports me, and I just need him to be with me. =) After the train left, I decided to take a looong walk to go back home. It was such a wonderful day! I was simply happy walking through the park and enjoying the sun.
Ok, now, after a blackout of 2 hours, I finished writing this post and now I'm planning to drink a green tea and go to bed.
De sushi ziet er super jammie uit :)
RispondiEliminaVervelend dat jij en je vriend elkaar weinig zien, maar heerlijk dat het weer lekker weer wordt! Als de zon schijnt voelen sommige dingen toch iets minder zwaar... tenminste dat hoop ik wel voor je! Wanneer zien jullie elkaar weer?
Ik hoop dat je hebt genoten van je groene theetje en dat je mooie droompjes droomt :) XO.
Oh wat lief van je ^^
RispondiEliminaNou we zien elkaar eigenlijk elke week. Er zijn 200 km tussen de stadt waar ik leef en waar hij leefd, maar ik probeer toch elke week te gaan. Nu is het bijna paasvakantie dus duurt niet zo lang meer.
Ik wachte echt op de zon, winter moet nou wel eens een keer afgelopen zijn. =)
Welterusten!! xoxo