giovedì 2 dicembre 2010

Thursday - Loves

Brrr it's getting cold outside. I am an active person, I like to walk, take the bus and the tram as little as possible, I like to go for a ride on the bike. But when it gets cold like this I am so happy when I close the door behind me, coming back from University.
Today I hadn't a special day, it was just a normal one, I am getting ready the last things for Sinterklaas.

Here are the things I loved this week.

[Things that make you feel that Christmas is getting nearer] (I haven't got the stress of the gifts, so I can enjoy Christmas even more)


[Warm, organised shelves]


[Romantic settings]




[Christmas treats]



[Real Mail]


Tomorrow I'll see Roberto, and I am so happy. We are going to celebrate Sinterklaas on Saturday and I feel like a little girl. I am so happy!!


2 commenti:

  1. Love all these photos, best time of year!! :) Have fun with Roberto xx

  2. Super,de foto's,de bovenste is hel erg knus,ik zie ook een foto van het koek-huis waar je het over had?,die van Holland is ook er mooi en van dat soort oude brieven liggen er bij Oma heel veel.
