Today started with a nice breakfast with Roberto. Then I was checking e-mails and reading some blogs when I saw that on Twitter the half world had snow: the US, Holland, Germany, Budapest and England.
I was a bit perplexed. I live in a place where it always snows before all other places, I live near the Appennines. Nevertheless, there was a lovely sunny shining through the trees.
We decided to go for a hike on the mountains at the end of the valley (Roberto and I are always so active at weekends, if you don't go for a walk, on the bike or do some sport we can get kind of depressed ^^).
Time to get with the car to the place from where we would star walking (5 minutes away from my house) and the sky was already grey and announcing snow. When we begun walking it was snowing!! I was happy and it was so nice, even if we were freezing.
Then it stopped and when we came home from the walk it begun snowing again, seriously this time. We had a cup of hot cinnamon coffee and now we are having a nice afternoon at home: cooking soup for dinner, finishing the Christmas cards, reading, and so on.I hope you have had a cosy - snowy day too!
Oh wow, pretty pictures :) We had our first snow last night too!! Exciting!!