lunedì 8 novembre 2010

[4 Stories] - Hairdoo's

I have been following Leigh Ann's Four Stories Series for a while now and I thought it would be funny to join her and the other girls. This weekend's topic was "Hairdoo's", so here I am to share my four little stories:

ONE. - Daily braids.

When I was in the kindergarten I was the little, cute dutch kid, with those lovely braids.
Yes. Because my mother used to make one braid on Mondays, two on Tuesdays, three on Thursdays and so on.
It was something that characterised me, and I still love to remind it and tell this story to my friends.

TWO. - The massive braid.

When I was 5 years old I had very long blonde hair. My father is an artist, so he liked to make long braids.
What's new, what's different? you will guess.
Well, he made long brainds which pinted to the sky. He used a wire in order to fix it and used lots on colorful elastics.
I was so proud of my hair, but never wore it outside, on the street.
I used to practice Judo, too. And I stood on my head for hours just to show it everybody.
Obviously I had to choose: or the long colorful crazy braid or showing my talent =)

THREE. - Messy, messy, messy.

I used to have very messy hair when I was a child.
My mum used to comb them, but I was always complaining. The tangles worsened and only my father was allowed to touch my head because my sculp was hurting so much.
One day, we were at a camping in France and I had one enormous tangle (or knot?).
MY parents were convinced that if I didn't let them comb my hair I would have had serious problems doing it later and I would probably have to cut it.
I didn't want to cut it, so I underwent the torture for several hours of cries and pain.
Fortunately my hair got disentagled and I was happy again. Happy ending.

FOUR. - I want straight hair!

When I was a teenager (like 2 years ago, haha). No when I was about 14- 15I still had this unmanageable hair.
I wanted it straight like all the other girls. I tried every product. Ebery remedy and followed avery advice, but nothing. I was despaired, haha.
I really stood hours in front of the mirror wanting that straight hair so much.
Everybody told me I had fantastic hair, so thick, so many, soooo wavy.
After some years of desperation I bought my first flat iron, and I was so happy.
I still use it almost everyday, it's an addiction!


Four Stories Details:
- You can read about the 4 Stories Group blog series here (all stories here). Everyone is welcome to join :)
- Feel free to use the header/topic pictures in your weekly post.
- If you participate in 4 Stories, please link back to FN in your post and invite others to participate.
- Find 4 Stories widgets in the right sidebar (if you like).
- Please leave a link to your 4 stories post in the comments so we can read each others :)


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