This weekend Roberto came here. We went to Ikea to buy some new bookshelves because a few days ago the one I had in my room just decided that he was too tired of carrying dictionaries.
Obviously I cannot leave Ikea without buying something superfluous, but immensely pretty
We just walked through the store saying "We will buy this when we'll have our house" "This would be so nice to have in our kitchen",.. Dreaming and dreaming.
Well, the weekend has been wonderful, as always, but when he leaves I am always so sad!
Today I tried not to think about it, but it's difficult when outside it's pouring, it's cold, and the only thing you need is his hug (and a cup of tea!).
So I just drawed a bit and catched up with the blogs I haven't read saturday.
My evening so far
And now I am thinking of really makng that cup of tea and make some leaves with fimo.
Oh, and.. I made up a wonderful recipe for Muesli (granola) scones. Recipe will be posted soon =).
ik vind die tekening met het alfabet zoooo superleuk,echt leuk bedacht en goed getekend.
RispondiEliminaecht een gordijn voor in de keuken,dat die besttat,wel echt iets voor jou.