Oh my god,
This morning I did the English Literature Exam, and I hatahatehate when I realize that: everyday I woke up and I had that book in my mind, that book followed me everywhere, when I got home in the train, I was always reading that book, I hated it, because I thought it's soo boring, and then, I have finished it, I have made a whole longlonglong summary of it. Then.. No questions of that book.. I was just like O_o !!!!!

It's raining here in Turin. Yesterday they said it would snow today, but nothing..
My boyfriend is coming home tonight!! Yippie!!
After the exam I got home, I feel always very very tired after exams, so I just stred at the tv for a while, then I went to buy something, because I can make only peas for Roberto.
Now I'm realizing that I promised myself that I would have gone to de gym.. and I really really have to do this.. And I'll do this.
My next exam will be German Literature (8 books!!) for the 18th of january..

All the pictures are from weheartit.
Sorry I don0t post any picture belonging to me, but no camera, no pictures =(
Have a nice evening!!

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