giovedì 10 febbraio 2011

Thursday - Loves - Valentine's Day


how are you? As Valentine's day is approaching a lot of cuteness is shared among other blogs, and I really found a lot of inspiration.
I have to admit that it's the second year in a row I'm not home on Valentine's Day and I am not going to see Roberto on that day. The fact is I don't dislike this day, but actually, I think it's important to show your love to the people you love every day, or whenever you feel like doing it.

It's nice to find so much inspiration around anyway, because I can collect all the ideas and use them toward the year ^^

She shared so many ideas during her "Be my Valentine week": cute prints, wonderful photos, DIYs, and free printables!!

I loved these simple cards and I left the one with "I love you more than.." hidden somewhere for Roberto. (Oh, and i love him more than..bread. That means I love him very very much!)

And since I hadn't the time to print it, because Roberto suddently came home, I am planning on giving it to him later this year (thank you anyway, Katja!)

and this "Tweet Treats" Valentine's Party

Enough love for today?
What are you going to do for Valentine's day? Are going to do something special?

Have a nice day,


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