29/365 06012011
I planned on reading the whole day. Exams are approaching and I am pretty nervous. But a loooot of inespected guests arrived and I just made coffee and gave panettone for the shole day. It was funny by the way, but now it's really time to read, read, and read. Oh, and it rained the whole day.
Mattia, my little nephew of 10 months came to visit us. My brother's eyes shine when he looks at his son. I love both of them.
31/365 08012011
A simple, italian, breakfast at a very nice bar.
Roberto and I did some grocery shopping, went home to study a bit and at evening went out to go back to a pub where we used to go everyday the year that we met. The place where he first gave me his hand, where a lot of magic happened. We learnt to know each other there, and going back after such a long period was touching in a way. I felt like coming home after a long trip.
32/365 09012011
Reorganised my room before leaving, so when I'll come back in a few days I'll a have a pretty, clean, tidy room. Came back to Turin today, had a chat with two friends on the train and had the chance to read a lot in those 4 hours. Tomorrow classes will start again, and next week: exams!
Back in Turin, my bed was immediately a mess with my bag, clothes, scarf, planner, etc. I'm studying a lot, and when I feel I've to study I don't think at being tudy at all, I just throw anything where I want and think only "study, study, study..". Many times I am overwhelmed by anxiety for not being fast and good enough in my studies, but then I face reality, I am one of the first in my course, so don't panic!
Another day of study. Woke up, studied a lot, rad book, wrote notes, and then I went to the library, doing some errands and at last to a 6-8 pm class. Came home, read blogs, and studied a bit more. These slippers because most of the day I stayed home, but not exactly doing nothing.
Come on in a month I'll be in London!
I had a day full of University stuff going on. I had to register a note on my personal record book, go to the library, meet a teacher, wait for the apprenticeship office to open, go to classes and study. It was a long day which finished with a reading session until 00.40 am. I had to wake up at 5.30 am the day after (today).
I am being a bit absent and silent lately, you know it's only because of the exams, I have really many many book especially for German Literature to read.
I'll be back one day, haha.
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