1/365 9122010
Apple cake. I baked my own cake for my birthday. Not because I am alone, not because nobody wants to bake a cake for me, not because they don't want to buy one of the fantastic cakes we buy for some birthdays. Just because the thing I love doing the most is baking. Seeing the cake shining like gold in the oven, smelling the scent of a rustic cake is fantastic. But the thing I love even more is seeing people eating with pleasure. Not getting compliments, just seeing them eat and enjoy their piece of cake.
2/365 10122010
A sunny day, incredible for this time of the year. At the TV I hear that it should be snowing, people from all over the world are complaining about the cold and I am sitting in the sun reading a book. I love the valley I live in and living far from the civilised world gives me the possibility to learn from nature so many things. Sitting outside, hearing the birds and the bells every now and then who remind me how late it is and just waiting until the sun sets and it's time to go inside the home, at the warmth of the stove.
The only picture I took today. My dad and I went to the mall to the mall to buy new dishes. I am so happy. I love having a set of dishes with nothing missing.
4/365 12122010
Description later haha, now I'm going to eat them!
For my birthday I wanted to make Ravioli, my favorite dish. I haven't eaten them for months. Roberto and I had only yhe chance to make them today, so we asked his grandma for the recipe and ..voilà.
I just finished eating them, and they are still my favorite food.
5/365 13122010
Today was a total disaster, spent on the train for 6 hours and waiting for a train for 2 hours. I won't write the whole story again, but I got home at 6 pm exhausted. And I still had to do the gocery and meet a friend for some notes he needed.
A not creative, not culinary, not happy day.
Fortunately I won't get on a train for more than one week.
6/365 14122010
This is the peak of today: laundry. Exciting day was mine, right? I only went to a class in the morning, then studied, washed the dishes, did the laundry, studied and studied, drunk coffee and went to another class (6-8pm, crazy!). Tomorrow will be pretty much the same, and it's getting really really cold outside, but no snow to be seen.
7/365 15122010
Today was colder than normal, I wrapped myself in thisenormous cosy scarft that Sinterklaas (aka Roberto) gave me. I was going outside fighting the cold to go to the afternoon classes (2-6 pm). Next week I'll have an exam and I haven't found the time to study yet. Maybe I should stay less on Internet, but I am getting better at it (not too many hours on Google Reader ^^)
Next week other 7 new photos.
Have a great evening, I'm going to study.
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