Soooooo, I made Strawberry Jam with real real Strawberries from my mother's garden!
Only with strawberry, sugar and lemon zest. So easy and so quick!

Strawberry Jam.
600 gr Strawberries
300 gr granulated sugar
zest of one lemon.
If you want a fluid jam without pieces of fruit, you have to wash the strawberries and put them in the blender until a soft strawberry cream has formed.
Note: your jam will not be very consistent, as you are not going to add any pectine.
Otherwise you can just cut the strawberries in halves.
Put the three ingredients into a big saucepan and bring to boil.
Don't stop mixing with a wooden spoon, in order to save your saucepan and yourself from a long night washing up.
You will see when the consistency is that of normal jam, you can pour the jam in a jar, let it cool for at least an hour.
Keep refrigerated, or use the jam on fresh-baked bread. ^^
Yesterday, Roberto and I went to a market, where we found a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, AND a stall of bioproducts. I bought Tofu (going to eat it today!) and 100%spelt pasta!
Today, we went to San Lorenzo al Mare, a little town on the coast. It's the town I dream to live in: no cars, a lot of colours, and a place I would love to bring up my children.
We had a coffee and then, after a walk and a look around, we decided to have something to eat in a cute little restaurant (the waitress wasn't cute or little at all, ahah!).
Look who's dreaming while waiting for his Spaghetti:
Bye my two readers!